Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Now this time, air was not my sole companion. Maddox was blushing with all the cozy compliments it received from the twosomes. I failed to concur. Well the complaint vanished in thin air as we criticized the sparkling beauty of the society. Few did abscond from our candid appreciation. Limit tended towards nullity. We evaded the dazzle and took refuge in a money-sucking-vault. A banner read - “CafĂ© Coffee Day”. Followed by- “Here comes the rain again to drain out my bliss again”. Confidentiality eroded. It wasn’t quite possible to escape the clutches of antipathy. The snobby pugs maintained a constant decibel level. We failed to interact. Congruency played its part. Words were not required. Exaggeration may be the theme of this piece but there are no other means to accentuate the vivacity. An hour passed by. I stared passionately towards the pork sandwich(maybe it was something else). Firmly evading the glance. The authenticity of this statement is questionable. Its better to mention one point – the chatterbox flavour was not what I wanted. Wish fulfillment. The digital printout read 298. Fooling around is not acceptable at some joints. Finally we moved out, quite entertained by the economy-blessed dolts and their mobile-phone gibberish. My last act did give them a reason to laugh(I could not muster up the courage to put it down). A kilometer long walk. Reached another famous focus of human concentration. Deshopriya Park – they say. As the name suggests, the place is indeed loved by the “Desh-bashi”s. The ultimate cab ride. The penultimate one was not that soothing as the K-550i bearer was quite messy. CCD and Maddox had already pissed us off. Though the day ended at a different note.

P.S: Its better not to draw conclusions as it’s a general ordinary narrative piece.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Stallion & Clay

The raven stallion gazed wearily
A half-chance is all he prays for
Bonded to the salient stable
Comfort endless, only lack – soul

Have you ever seen a fist-full of clay
Un-watered for days after days
Until it, develops fracture and snaps
The specter of fertility – unwanted

Defying the countless obstacles
The stallion breaks free and flees
Into the serenity of the woods
Bliss dances in rhythm – apprehensive

Adequate water resurrects the clay
Ready for the daffodil to grow
The weed invades to spoil the show
Conclusion to be drawn - unknown

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cameo & Nuliet

Act I Scene I

Location: Haldirams, Exide on St. Valentine’s day

Cameo(with an impish smile) : What would you prefer?

Nulliet (blatantly) : Raw meat. As if, you didn’t know.

Cameo (a bingo grin) : Adulterated, I surmise.

Nulliet (whining) : You regard me as a contaminant. Is this my position? Its as if I am
your harlot and not your girl

Cameo (frustrated) : Why does it always happen that you take my joke a as an
insinuation? Even chopped chicken is meat. Therefore, I was being
a bit more accurate.

Nulliet (wrenches out the words required for the quarrel) : Chopped chicken lacks life and is digestable.

Cameo (surrenders to the lady’s high intelligence quotient) : Oh baby. Why do we fight?
You are my girl. I am your man. That’s what matters. No more
issues. Lets get out. Its valentine’s day after all.

Nulliet (could not reconcile to the fact that Cameo has accepted defeat) : Its over? I don’t
believe my ears. (Not dragging the episode) Lets go.

Cameo (the baazigar) : We will take a bus to Park Street.

That’s the beauty of this duet. They are so much in “love” . Their ethereal “love” just doesn’t let them go.

Act I Scene II

Location : the mid-day streets, flooded with vendors. The swanking couples in lemon yellow and stinking red.

Nulliet (enthusiastically, examines a fake-emerald ring) : Wouldn’t this be a perfect vday

Cameo (bewildered at this creature’s idiosyncrasy) : Are you off your chump? Why the hell do you need this plastic toy? (followed by the wry smile)

Nulliet (embarrassed ) : Leave it. (starts walking)

Cameo (petrified) : Pardon me sugar. I never meant to hurt you. It was a genuine remark.
(as usual, he is screwed. He craved for a time- machine)

Nulliet (furious, was waiting for this second) : That’s perfectly understood. This is what I receive as a gift from the person I love (love love love alone. Ladies and gentlemen mark the word) the most. I should have listened to Juliet. I mistook her concern for vilification. Alas……………(I don’t have the requisite faculty to explain the varied gestures of heart-ache via words)
(Juliet is Nulliet’s long lost friend. She was dead against Cameo.)

Cameo (the abrasive mode) : Romeo called you a bitch. Wish I could have trusted him.
(Romeo is Cameo’s dead brother). Its impossible to drill something into your pigeon-head.

Nulliet (in the perfect James Hetfield patch) : And its impossible to extract out romanticism from your soul. You can only gobble. You cant chew. Body Body Body (each with an increasing frequency).

(The pedestrians were not much surprised. They are used to such stuff. That’s the “vday” crowd)

Cameo (strategic mention of his dead brother didn’t work. Plan B. Modulating his tone) : Baby, we are drifting away. (Two droplets of croc-tears) I am really really really sorry. (On his knees) I beg of your forgiveness. I ought to be stuffed with nails. Please honey. Give me last chance.

Nulliet (duel effect of the sun and Cameo’s maneuver melts her) : We should move off to Elliot Park. (holding Cameo’s hand and giving it a jolt. Cameo springs up. In a sugary sweet snotty pitch) Why do you say such things? You know na I love you sooooo……. Much. You are my shona….. (sorry comrades, I was not blessed enough to catch the rest of it)

Cameo (the vampirish glare) : You are irresistible today.

Nulliet (the blush, finally) : Dushtu…

To be continued…

Friday, September 11, 2009

Monogamy - A social evil

The day starts with the mobile alarm crooning at its best. Pouring out every electron of its damned emotion (the protons are coupled with neutrons). As if, wailing for its demon-lover. Followed by, the sugary yelling of his most beloved. That’s what marks the commonest of days. A solitary bath where he experiences the sound of silence. “Perfect music”. An egg-poach with two toasts, buttered with trans-fat-free “Amul butter delight”. A soothing bus or auto ride. Car preferred in case of a wealthier dolt. Barring Boredom,everything prevalent is abstract. That’s what life tends to become when you step into your forties. Sorry folks, I forgot to mention the Napolean-like-rebellious brats. They spark at the slightest friction. Even if you ask them “How was your day ?”. They snap back with such ground-breaking answers that jams your jaw for the rest of the day. Flabbergasted, you refrain from uttering any further words. Actually you get intimidated. You lack the essential faculty to evaluate the fuel-content of the next sentence you speak out. Therefore “ Chacha apna jan bacha”.

Dwelling in this abysmal pool of frustration, a hope still lingers in the forsaken airways of mind.
A latent aridity which can only be satisfied with a little warmth(no pun intended). Day-dreaming about the girl-next-door who is just about to get married may suffice. Frustration would then take its toll.

What if your 20 yr old love did not end up in this identity-crisis. What if every drop of protoplasm still fought for the partial passion, that has accidentally endured. Your lack of enthuse stealthily creeps in. Acidity.

Comrades, this is the problem with the society. We are prejudiced. Forced by the exasperated dogmas of the knowledgeable. Monogamy is a social evil. With the increment in the number of "istiris", the stagnation in every "swami"'s life is likely to flee. Not one but many faces to fascinate about. No requirement to throw tantrums at your peers in the place-of-pilgrimage. Just keep one fact in mind - "Women are in no way inferior. They are by far superior to the race of men. Thereby the are not to be confined. They too have the right to earn". I hope this will keep you out of any "forecasted" financial crisis.