Friday, September 11, 2009

Monogamy - A social evil

The day starts with the mobile alarm crooning at its best. Pouring out every electron of its damned emotion (the protons are coupled with neutrons). As if, wailing for its demon-lover. Followed by, the sugary yelling of his most beloved. That’s what marks the commonest of days. A solitary bath where he experiences the sound of silence. “Perfect music”. An egg-poach with two toasts, buttered with trans-fat-free “Amul butter delight”. A soothing bus or auto ride. Car preferred in case of a wealthier dolt. Barring Boredom,everything prevalent is abstract. That’s what life tends to become when you step into your forties. Sorry folks, I forgot to mention the Napolean-like-rebellious brats. They spark at the slightest friction. Even if you ask them “How was your day ?”. They snap back with such ground-breaking answers that jams your jaw for the rest of the day. Flabbergasted, you refrain from uttering any further words. Actually you get intimidated. You lack the essential faculty to evaluate the fuel-content of the next sentence you speak out. Therefore “ Chacha apna jan bacha”.

Dwelling in this abysmal pool of frustration, a hope still lingers in the forsaken airways of mind.
A latent aridity which can only be satisfied with a little warmth(no pun intended). Day-dreaming about the girl-next-door who is just about to get married may suffice. Frustration would then take its toll.

What if your 20 yr old love did not end up in this identity-crisis. What if every drop of protoplasm still fought for the partial passion, that has accidentally endured. Your lack of enthuse stealthily creeps in. Acidity.

Comrades, this is the problem with the society. We are prejudiced. Forced by the exasperated dogmas of the knowledgeable. Monogamy is a social evil. With the increment in the number of "istiris", the stagnation in every "swami"'s life is likely to flee. Not one but many faces to fascinate about. No requirement to throw tantrums at your peers in the place-of-pilgrimage. Just keep one fact in mind - "Women are in no way inferior. They are by far superior to the race of men. Thereby the are not to be confined. They too have the right to earn". I hope this will keep you out of any "forecasted" financial crisis.


Anonymous said...

You are happy boy...general stuff engaging others only comes out when you are profoundly gay(no pun intended)
Live long and live joyous

souvik ghosh [unreleased version] said...

The gospel of the great philosopher.......
this will be the hail of next gen.