Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tale from the land of rust-2

Unexplained blossoms and sudden change in barometric readings is quite puzzling at times.This time its not. The perpetual barrier of melancholy seems to have evaporated from the land.Something new has struck the land which had given the townsfolk another occasion to revel. Every reaction is preceded by an action. Fortunately, a faraway princess named Love is the action. Stupendous Love has ultimately arrived. Her alchemy has transformed rust to gold. The emperor along with his subjects stand stupefied as she enters the tattered palace and in a microsecond bestirs the emperor. He instantly bows in front of her and surrenders his empire. A night passes by . The air reverberates with the shouts of merry-making. A few prized and well treasured moments for the emperor. GLOOM? Where is gloom ?He's gone and never to return...............................

A few months later......A scene from the Queen's court....

The damp walls and wooden ceiling are nowhere to be found. Exquisite wall hangings and the golden roof reinstate the glory. Prosperity seems to have blessed the land. Yet, something unusual seems to be happening in this aesthetically rich palace.....................................
The seated queen is fiddling with her orb.Her opulent self is not paying any heed to the arguments put forward by the accused.She simply gives out a blatant statement which dooms the innocent. Her beauty and the artistry of her palace are the two things which churn her brain. The rest goes unnoticed. ......................................................................................................................................................................

Sorry folks another abrupt end to my narration. This story once again needs a detailed conclusion. Love is very deceiving. An inexorable abstraction which nullifies reason. Its lucrative promises tempt us.A vicious drug, potent enough to grab our reflexes and dismantles our brain leading to the unidirectional flow of synapses. Rising in love is a farcical concept fit for the fairy-tales.That does not mean loving is a criminal offence.
Love should be confined.Our souls,influenced by the irrational heart would always tend to surrender but its for us to advocate the brain. In this case the rationality of the brain is the perfect weapon to destruct this pathogen from taking over. Then only can we enjoy the niceties of love.

1 comment:

Olive Oyl said...

there is something strange, almost out of the ordinary, in the way you end your posts. it makes one patiently read through the post in order to find out whats there stored for the last. may be i can take some tuition from you too :P khilli hobe ;)