Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Now this time, air was not my sole companion. Maddox was blushing with all the cozy compliments it received from the twosomes. I failed to concur. Well the complaint vanished in thin air as we criticized the sparkling beauty of the society. Few did abscond from our candid appreciation. Limit tended towards nullity. We evaded the dazzle and took refuge in a money-sucking-vault. A banner read - “CafĂ© Coffee Day”. Followed by- “Here comes the rain again to drain out my bliss again”. Confidentiality eroded. It wasn’t quite possible to escape the clutches of antipathy. The snobby pugs maintained a constant decibel level. We failed to interact. Congruency played its part. Words were not required. Exaggeration may be the theme of this piece but there are no other means to accentuate the vivacity. An hour passed by. I stared passionately towards the pork sandwich(maybe it was something else). Firmly evading the glance. The authenticity of this statement is questionable. Its better to mention one point – the chatterbox flavour was not what I wanted. Wish fulfillment. The digital printout read 298. Fooling around is not acceptable at some joints. Finally we moved out, quite entertained by the economy-blessed dolts and their mobile-phone gibberish. My last act did give them a reason to laugh(I could not muster up the courage to put it down). A kilometer long walk. Reached another famous focus of human concentration. Deshopriya Park – they say. As the name suggests, the place is indeed loved by the “Desh-bashi”s. The ultimate cab ride. The penultimate one was not that soothing as the K-550i bearer was quite messy. CCD and Maddox had already pissed us off. Though the day ended at a different note.

P.S: Its better not to draw conclusions as it’s a general ordinary narrative piece.


Unknown said...

post script was specially for me or what? :| i don't jump into conclusions anymore that's what i did in class 8 :p and now i know you better :D

well written. realised again that i missed pujo here.

Anonymous said...

That was for me sohini di. Toke ar chatbo na. well written bondhu. u r the next vikram seth.